
FIAC 2019


Jean-Marie Appriou, Carroll Dunham, Justin Matherly, Tobias Pils, Ugo Rondinone, Michael Williams


October 17 to October 20, 2019


Grand Palais, Paris, Booth B44

Work titles:

TOBIAS PILS, Lovers 3, 2019; UGO RONDINONE, the persistent, 2019; VALENTIN CARRON, Bassin (rouille), 2017; TOBIAS PILS, lovers, 2018; CARROLL DUNHAM, Orange Sky (1), 2019-2019; MICHAEL WILLIAMS, mediators, 2019; TOBIAS PILS, Lovers, 2019; TOBIAS PILS, Lovers (appletree), 2019; JUSTIN MATHERLY, not like prey [...] like a friend, 2014; TOBIAS PILS, Tree, 2019; TOBIAS PILS, Tree, 2019; JEAN-MARIE APPRIOU, Malachite, 2018